Bump Steer Kits
For Porsche 914
Bump steer becomes severe with lowered ride height and is extreme with spindle height modifications. It’s easily corrected by spacing the end of the tie rod down. The correct spacing depends on ride height and spindle height, we make all our bump steer kits adjustable.
We offer two adjustable bump steer kits; Our Racing kit is for cars with spindles of any height and resolves both bump steer and toe steer. Our Bolt-on Bump steer kit is for cars with spindle height ranging from stock to +19mm.
Adjustable, Bolt-on, Weather Sealed
Fully adjustable adding from .5 to 1.25 inches of spacing in .125 inch increments.
Bump Steer Adjustable – Fully adjustable adding .5 to 1.25 inches of spacing in .125 inch increments. Yoke type spacer grips stock steering knuckle for added strength.
Rod End – Weather sealed precision rods ends included work with regular turbo tie rods. Optional boots seal out dirt and and water for extended life.
Our purpose-made rod ends are extra long to ensure proper threaded engagement with standard turbo tie rods.
Spindle Height – Suitable for spindle height ranging from stock up to 19mm.
Watch this Quick Overview
Precision Steering Under Pressure
Our top-performing bump steer solution is super strong and provides the sharpest, most predictable steering response. It eliminates steering knuckle twist induced toe steer and can be used on raised spindles of any height.
Double steering knuckle – Holds tie rod end between two steering knuckles to eliminate knuckle flex regardless of bump steer spacer length.
Long bump steer spacers (required with raised spindles) place bending loads that twist stock steering knuckles. Twist causes undesired toe steer.
Second steering knuckle is welded to the strut body. You can optionally have us perform the welding for you, see this page.
Bump steer adjustable – allows massive bump steer adjustment range in .125 inch increments. Double shear mounting provides solid support for even the longest bump steer spacing.
Rod End – Weather sealed precision rods ends included work with regular turbo tie rods. Included boots to seal out dirt and and water for extended life.
Our purpose-made rod ends are extra long to ensure proper threaded engagement with standard turbo tie rods.
Spindle height – Kits available for 19mm, 30mm, 40mm spindle height. Kits are easily modified for use with essentially any spindle height.
Watch this Quick Overview

Application Table
Part No. | Stock Equiv. | Fitment & Configuration |
2110902 | - | '65-'89 911,912,930,914 +19mm spindle 1 kit req'd per Car |
2110903 | - | '65-'89 911,912,930,914 +30mm spindle 1 kit req'd per Car |
2110904 | - | '65-'89 911,912,930,914 +40mm spindle 1 kit req'd per Car |
Links for Racing Bump Steer Kit
Improve Tie Rod Geometry
Elephant Racing steering rack spacer kits help to compensate for bump steer.
This kit raises the steering rack 10mm, thus changing the angle of the tie rods and improving the bump steer behavior.
Extra bolts may be provided with your kit to make it universal fit, you will only use two.
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